Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mystical Experience

One morning I woke up feeling terribly sad. I spoke to the Universe asking this: "if there is more to the Universe than what I can see please give me a sign." I went walking with my beloved dog, it was about 9:45 a.m. As we stroll under a canopy of trees, something caused me to turn around. As I did, a Great Horned Owl came swooping a few inches above my head. It landed on a branch of a tree directly in my path. I spoke a few words of enchantment directly to it as it stared right into my eyes. In a moment I watched as it spread its wings (a five foot span !!) and flew off. It wasn't til I got home that morning and looked over my bird reference books, what I found was that Great Horned Owls rarely come out during daylight.
Mystery Buda